Art by Elizabeth Keiser
IAmElemental aims to change things with non-sexualized action figures. Fredda Sacharow in Rutgers Today describes them as “the figurines, with nary a jutting bosom or shapely calf in sight are based on a series of virtues – persistence, ingenuity, energy, and courage – each accessorized with cape, boots, mask, or other symbols of mastery.”
With a Kickstarter campaign in May 2014 that met its goal in 48 hours and ultimately raised 465% of what was asked (totaling $163,000), the campaign had all 50 states and six continents asking for IAmElemental figures. From the IAmElemental website: “The IAmElemental Team mission is to create toys for play experiences that allow girls (and boys) to envision themselves as strong, powerful and connected beings at the center of a story of their own making.” A cultural object that allows children to create their own stories is just what kids need.
The motto on the Kickstarter page was “More Heroine, Less Hooters” and it shows exactly what you are getting with these action figures. The figures are based on specific powers that “are superpowers that already exist in each one of us” says Julie Kerwin, the creator of IAmElemental figures. This is a message that children need to hear. While operating the Kickstarter, comments poured in wanting figures for their sons, so Kerwin answered the call by making the figures gender neutral. “If we’re hoping for equality, you can’t just talk about it with one half of the population,” she says.
The first series was Courage and the second series was Wisdom. The third series is Justice, which will be coming soon. Below is my interview with Julie Kerwin of IAmElemental. She explains about how the company started, how they've progressed, and some of the challenges of being outside the bigger toy companies: